We understand that every project must start with a strategy. That strategy must deliver real world solutions for an appropriate budget. After all, the proof is in the pudding as they say.

Netfinity - Digital Strategy

At Netfinity we will look at your big picture. Where are you now? Where do you want to be? Who are your customers and what is the best way to engage with them online? How can we extract the best bang for your buck?

We put together a delivery plan using a combination of search, social and off-line to drive traffic to your site. Then we formulate a plan to engage with them and convert them. Then we measure using Google Analytics, real life user research and good old fashion experience.

Finally we refine the process, make tweaks, do more of what works and less of what doesn’t work and repeat the process again.

Sound digital strategy is best implemented with clever design and even smarter technology. Our strategy services include:

  • Brand strategy
  • Social media and networking
  • User behaviour and feedback
  • SEO and SEM
  • Email marketing (EDM)
  • Usability testing
  • Project Management
  • Development
  • Design creative
  • Content Management
  • Data Architecture
  • Content development and copy writing
  • Analytics

Contact us to discuss your digital strategy today